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Electronic Modules

Electronic Modules
NRF24L01 + / CC1100 / CC2500 / A7105 / SI4432 module

Wireless & WiFi Module NRF24L01 + / CC1100 / CC2500 / A7105 / SI4432 module

NRF24L01  + / CC1100 / CC2500 / A7105 / SI4432 module 2Mbit / s 1Mbit / s 250Kbit / s transfer rate three optional MultiCeiver hardware provides functionality while six receivers Link layer chip to make the software easier to design 2Mbit / s high-qual...Read More
NRF24L01 + / CC1100 / CC2500 / A7105 / SI4432 module
NRF24L01 + SI24R01 2.4G wireless module

Wireless & WiFi Module NRF24L01 + SI24R01 2.4G wireless module

NRF24L01 + SI24R01 2.4G wireless module SI24R1 and NRF24L01 + is fully compatible (SPI operation timing, the register definitions, working state diagram), you can communicate with each other, support NRF24L01 + all communications functions.    Question 1: 7dbm power output ...Read More
NRF24L01 + SI24R01 2.4G wireless module
NRF24L01 + 2.4G wireless module

Wireless & WiFi Module NRF24L01 + 2.4G wireless module

NRF24L01 + 2.4G wireless module NRF24L01 + is a world in general 2.4-2.5GHz ISM band monolithic transceiver chip , a wireless transceiver comprising: a frequency generator mode controller Enhanced SchockBurstTM amplifier transistor amplifier output power modulator demodulator channel selecti...Read More
NRF24L01 + 2.4G wireless module
1100-meter long-distance NRF24L01+PA+LNA wireless modules

Wireless & WiFi Module 1100-meter long-distance NRF24L01+PA+LNA wireless modules

1100-meter long-distance NRF24L01+PA+LNA wireless modules   250K rate under this module , the distance of open ground around 1100 meters , at a rate of 1M , open to a distance of about 750 meters , at a rate of 2M from the open area is about 520 meters NRF24L01P + PA + ...Read More
NRF24L01+PA+LNA 1100-mete
NRF24L01 + wireless transceiver module (with SMA whip antenna / CC1101/905/2500)

Wireless & WiFi Module NRF24L01 + wireless transceiver module (with SMA whip antenna / CC1101/905/2500)

NRF24L01 + wireless transceiver module (with SMA whip antenna / CC1101/905/2500) Applications: remote control, telemetry, wireless meter reading, access control systems, paging, industrial data acquisition systems, wireless tag Identification, RF contactless smart cards, small wireless d...Read More
NRF24L01 + wireless module
NRF24L01 + SMD 1.27MM wireless module / low power / RFID module

Wireless & WiFi Module NRF24L01 + SMD 1.27MM wireless module / low power / RFID module

NRF24L01 + SMD 1.27MM wireless module / low power / RFID module NRF24L01 + wireless module 2Mbit / s 1Mbit / s 250Kbit / s transfer rate three optional MultiCeiver hardware provides functionality while six receivers Link layer chip to make the software easier to d...Read More
NRF24L01 + SMD 1.27MM wireless module
NRF24L01 + PA + LNA chip interfaces / 1.27MM / small size / IPX external antenna

Wireless & WiFi Module NRF24L01 + PA + LNA chip interfaces / 1.27MM / small size / IPX external antenna

NRF24L01 + PA + LNA chip interfaces / 1.27MM / small size / IPX external antenna Product Features: 1.2.4G open global ISM band, the maximum 20dBm transmit power, license-free use 2. Support six channels of data reception, 2Mbit / s high-quality VoIP makes it possible to Unde...Read More
NRF24L01 + PA + LNA 1.27MM
CC1101/433 / wireless transceiver modules / NRF24L01/905

Wireless & WiFi Module CC1101/433 / wireless transceiver modules / NRF24L01/905

CC1101/433 / wireless transceiver modules / NRF24L01/905 Features: ( 1 ) Operating voltage : 1.8V ~ 3.6V, recommend close to 3.6V, but not more than 3.6V ( preferred 3.3V) (2) 315,433,868,915 MHh the ISM and SRD band ( 3) The maximum rate of 500Kbps, supports 2-FSK, GFSK ...Read More
CC1101 wireless module
SI4432 wireless module / SI4432-B1-FMR/470MHZ/433MHZ/915MHZ

Wireless & WiFi Module SI4432 wireless module / SI4432-B1-FMR/470MHZ/433MHZ/915MHZ

SI4432 wireless module / SI4432-B1-FMR/470MHZ/433MHZ/915MHZ SI4432 radio block / SI4432-B1-FMR is our long-distance data transmission is specially developed ultra-high-power and high sensitivity wireless module. SI4432 wireless chip operates at 240MHZ-960MHZ, can point applications, but also the ...Read More
SI4432 wireless module
nRF24l01+PA+LNA V5.0 NRF24L01+ wireless transceiver and LNA + PA power amplifier module 2.4G + Anten

Wireless & WiFi Module nRF24l01+PA+LNA V5.0 NRF24L01+ wireless transceiver and LNA + PA power amplifier module 2.4G + Anten

nRF24l01+PA+LNA V5.0 NRF24L01+ wireless transceiver and LNA + PA power amplifier module 2.4G + Antenna NRF24L01 a wireless communication communications chips, using FSK modulation, internal Integrated NORDIC own Enhanced Short Burst agreement. Point or wireless communication can be achi...Read More
nRF24l01+PA+LNA V5.0
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